Life just feels good when I see people being filled by their partners. Samantha and Dustin’s friendship is what really stuck out to me during this shoot. They just get each other, and I felt it each time I pressed the shutter. I can’t imagine the amount of self doubt that sneaks in when you’re expecting, but the confidence, excitement, and connection these two have together was so inspiring. Thank you so much for letting me feel your love, especially during this momentous time in your lives.
“Susan made both my husband and I feel so comfortable! We loved working with her. She is also the queen of getting the “big cheesy” smile out of you, when the time is right.” – Samantha
I think my own 10-years-married celebration helped me connect with Pam and Ryan so easily. They celebrated 10 years of marriage this year as well – adding a few dogs along the way. I love when married couples have their pictures taken, and I wish more couples would see the value in it. You make changes, and you grow, and you can choose to do this together and support each other, so why not capture your emotional growth along the way? There was such a peaceful presence with Pam and Ryan, even with the dogs around! They mean everything to each other, and you get a sense that each other is what they hold most precious in their lives. This reverence they have for each other is something any couple celebrating any anniversary aspires to have.
Thanks for sharing the love, Pam and Ryan.
I’m constantly tinkering around our house, moving plants from one light source to another, adding a new garage sale trinket to a shelf, and leveling the picture frames that settle with the house. I love creating a space that both captures who we are and inspires us to do and be more. Maybe it’s really cheesy, but I really believe in energy and creating spaces for foster positive energy.
When Justyne contacted me about a shoot to celebrate the purchase of their first home, I was expecting to show up to a somewhat empty house and fill all the empty space in my images with cozy cuddles. But as I walked through the front door, I felt like I was walking into a home with years of memories, years of making coffee together, and years of house projects. The feeling was so warm and inviting.
And that’s the point. It has nothing to do with where you live, if your carpet has recently been cleaned, or if you’re missing a few knobs on your kitchen cabinets. It has everything to do with the connection you share with the people in your house that makes it feel like a home. It’s that connection that creates the positive energy, and it’s undeniable. Thank you, Justyne and Charlie, for opening your home to me – it was a lovely space to spend a morning.